Pachinko Factory Nishijin Manual


You already have the machine, now get the manual!

Presenting a faithful reproduction of the original manual provided with Nishijin pachinko machines by The Pachinko Factory. The Pachinko Factory provided hundreds of thousands of these machines through a half-dozen outlets across the USA throughout the late 70's, before going bankrupt in 1983. This manual has 4 pages of need-to-know information for the pachinko machine owner, as well as a large center foldout Identifying the parts and explaining how they work together. Covers Nishijin brand M-11 machines often referred to collectors as "Model B" machines. This manual pictures and describes a 1972 Nishijin machine, but the information is applicable to many other years and models.


As usual, Pachinko Planet has spared no expense on this reproduction. This is not just a scan printed on cheap paper, but rather a digitally restored art printed on glossy 11 x 17 white smooth laser Hammermill #28. This paper choice is very close to the original paper used by The Pachinko Factory for this manual.

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